A Weekly Substandard Trope

Personal Project for the Weekly Substandard Podcast

Podcast hosts talk about culture and mostly movies, in a nerdy fashion to which I can relate. A personal favorite, I decided to design a website that would house the history of their biggest activity: ranking movies, directors, actors, and anything else life has to offer.

True to my sketch-first, computer-later process, I ideated wireframed segments to the website homepage: the latest ranking presented in the podcast, top user ranking topics, and the running tally of whose ranking is the most favorited. These areas would expand into the ability to start your own list, see past rankings posed by the hosts, and listen to the podcast.

Currently more of an exercise in design, this website is an ongoing opportunity to practice good HTML, CSS, and JS practices...

...such as the best ways to adapt user interfaces for different devices—always an ongoing education. As the Weekly Substandard Expanded Universe continues to grow, so does the need for such a repository and way to contribute rankings of our own.