Beautiful Abstraction

Amara Photo Wedding Photography

Amara Photo became my client with a request to expand the brand and create business cards based on a crowd-sourced logo. With the request of letterpressed business cards, I advised modifications to their logo. After various iterations, a refined logo and logotype in a monochromatic palette emerged.

The palette was expanded to include other bold colors, such as a mint green and a slate gray. Simple typography and a graphic border were developed for the thick cotton stock destined for the letterpress. Photos courtesy of Amara Photo.

Eventually, the project expanded into a PDF pricing guide that could be downloaded, emailed, and easily updated. As well as conveying pricing options, the piece demonstrates the skills of the photographer by presenting the information in the form of an image gallery. It was a pleasure working with such beautiful photographs.

Page layouts varied as they utilized different styles of photos, light and deep colors, and intricate typography to enforce the customer service and unique aesthetic of Amara Photo.