Innovate with Style


EyeMed speaks to three audiences: consumers (B2C), brokers (B2B), and other insurance companies (Reseller). Each utilizes different combinations of brand elements to customize the messaging. My responsibility as a designer is to use these guidelines and continue to push and innovate each sub-brand with every print or digital deliverable.

Often we design, and I program, HTML/CSS outlook email templates that can be placed in the hands of employers to send to their employees. These templates must support display in various email clients—outlook being the most restrictive—and minor customization by the employer. We will also partner with EyeMed's development vendor by supplying concepts and comps for campaign landing pages.

Balancing requests from the sales team, and printing restrictions due to budget and large quantity, requires us to be very strategic and creative. Mailers are destined for a wide audience and can contain sensitive information, coupons, CTAs to online portals, or education on health and wellness.

Working with an outside agency, we are increasingly involved with videos for EyeMed's youtube account that help users navigate areas of their member portal, understand their benefits, and how to use the app. Our descriptive story boards ensure the brand visual language is adhered to and that visuals support the voice-over.