Let's Rock and Roll

Sarah Sugar & the High Crimes Website

For the up-and-coming band, Sarah Sugar & the High Crimes, this website is an opportunity to showcase their personality, music, and events. And as the lead singer, I became my own client. I began the process with detailed mock-ups in Adobe XD. This encourages selecting photography, colors, typography, and specific pixel sizes in advance, thereby making the development process for desktop and mobile more efficient.

I designed the homepage to be a one-stop shop for visitors: learn our name, see where we'll be next, hear some music, and meet the whole group. In addition to being informative, the homepage conveys our personality through bold color, a modern geometry, and dynamic photography from prior performances.

Considering our exposure to possible-fans and venues always happens in-person and on-the-go, it was important to me to code this with modern responsive standards. Therefore, the layout grid, type sizes, and photography, all easily flex to hand-held devices via multiple media queries.

The events page leverages each event to drive traffic to our Facebook page and encourage visitors to learn more and RSVP. Overall, the visual style aims to be unique—but clean, straightforward, and professional—in hopes of separating ourselves from the many local bands.