Featuring Their Story

Messer Rental Division

A pair of empty walls in the Messer Rental Division lobby was the perfect opportunity to convey the unique value they brought to every Messer Construction job. My 3 concepts ranged from a singular narrative panel overlaying illustrations of tools to constructing a mosaic of photos and various building materials.

The selected concept would use different depths to support the different materials, photos, words, and colors. Working with Messer employees, I created an exact plan of different sizes within a grid, specified the material facing, and its build depth.

Photos are built closest to the viewer, with the value words next. A combination of wood, cement, steel, and brand colors in the form of vinyl together create a dynamic background. The Rental Division prides itself in their support of the construction process, therefore this wall conveys the raw tools, labor, and materials that go into a building.

Custom photography was necessary to make this wall impactful. After developing a photography style, myself and a hired photographer spent 2 days on various construction sites capturing a range of small to large-scale Messer Rental Division equipment in action. The wall is designed to allow Messer to switch out the photos annually.